Area Scan Portal – Manual Operation

Need the right Hardware for ContourTrace?

Get the Area Scan Portal!

Quality, precision and shape accuracy of the captured contours depend on the hardware used. 

The Area Scan Portal CT-2DM-600X420 offers the optimal solution here.

Scroll down and see for yourself!

Detailed insight

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Live Camera and Result View

See what the camera sees and move the camera only over the parts of the objects you want to capture. The result is immediately available as the images are stitched live in the ContourTrace software.

Eliminate Perspective Error

Conventional cameras and smartphones often introduce perspective errors. This leads to distorted contours during contour extraction in Contour Trace. The Area Scan Portal in combination with ContourTrace software solves this problem by providing an orthogonal view, eliminating perspective errors. This ensures precise, true-to-scale contour extraction in your contour extraction processes.

True-to-Scale Contours

ContourTrace produces contours that are true-to-scale to match the actual dimensions of the objects, which is achieved by using position markers in the Area Scan Portal. Consequently, the foam inlays created using these extracted contours will fit perfectly with the objects, saving time and ensuring no more unfit foam inlays.

True-to-Form Contours

Conventional cameras have a perspective lens, which leads to distorted contours for high objects during contour extraction. This perspective error is eliminated as the camera automatically moves along the edges of the object, capturing an exact orthogonal view with the help of our image stitching algorithm. Consequently, the generated contours will be true-to-form to match the shape of the objects.

Efficient Multi-Object Scanning

The Area Scan Portal has a working area of 600 x 420 mm. This allows multiple objects to be placed and scanned simultaneously. This capability significantly increases efficiency and productivity, enabling faster and more comprehensive contour extraction processes.

Affordable Alternative to Telecentric Lenses

Telecentric lenses are special optical lenses that maintain a constant magnification regardless of the distance of an object from the lens. Unlike standard lenses, they produce an orthogonal view of an object. However, telecentric lenses are expensive and impractical for scanning large objects, requiring a lens as large as the object itself. Smaller telecentric lenses struggle with depth of field, making them unsuitable for objects with significant height. The Area Scan Portal offers a cost-effective solution that provides high-precision scanning without the limitations and high cost of telecentric lenses, ensuring accurate contour extraction for a variety of object sizes and heights.

Workspace 600x420 mm

Capture the contours of objects up to 600x420 mm or place multiple objects on the surface to capture all contours in one shot. The overall dimensions of the area scan portal are LxWxH 900x640x900 mm.

Manual Camera Movement

The camera is manually guided by the operator over the areas to be captured. Using the position markers, the software determines the camera position and computes the orthogonal image live.

Perspective Lens

The selected high-resolution lens has exceptional sharpness and precision, enabling the reliable scanning of objects with complex shapes and heights up to 400 mm while delivering precise contours.

Industrial Camera

The camera we chose has high-resolution capabilities and captures images with exceptional sharpness and precision. With our system, the accuracy of contour extraction reaches an impressive level of +/- 0.1 mm.

Optimal Camera Alignment

The camera axis must be exactly orthogonal to the image surface to be captured. Otherwise, the precision and shape accuracy of the captured contours suffers. To ensure that this can be set precisely, there is a leveling device that makes this possible.

Camera height adjustable

The image resolution as well as the depth of field essentially depend on the camera distance. Therefore, it is possible to adjust the camera height. In the first step, this is done via the adapter to which the camera is attached. If this is not sufficient, the height of the support surface for the objects can also be varied.

Light shield

To ensure consistent quality, the system is protected from external light sources by a cover. Therefore, image captures are possible at any time under constant conditions.

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